Hi Everyone,
This isn’t a “I’m taking a break” note. Instead, I wanted to let you know where Publishing Confidential is headed (I have had the stomach flu since the weekend, so I’m unable to write a meaty newsletter this week). As one tends to do at the end of the year, I’m reflecting on how far this newsletter has come and where I want it to go.
First, some upcoming topics before the new year:
Book publishing predictions for 2025
What tariffs mean for book publishing
Revisiting social media platforms
An author interview or two
A holiday gift guide
A holiday cookie exchange (right here)
And now some thoughts about where Publishing Confidential is going in 2025:
More paid content
Interviews with industry experts
More analysis of the industry
Office hours for paid subscribers (I promise)
Some branded events
Much more.
As always, I appreciate your support.
Feel better. Tis the season…
(have been sick as well.
I hope you feel better soon