Sep 11Liked by Kathleen Schmidt

We literally shared such similar experiences.. same walk from Christopher and I was working at 200 varick. It’s both heart warming and heart wrenching to think of us all on that day. Thank you for sharing..lots of xoxo

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Your experience brought me right back there - I lived downtown on 9/11 and I really don't like to think about it very often. I remember that feeling too, I had it for days -- that people would be recovered alive. Now that I look back it was clear from the moment the second tower fell that no one could survive that -- but we were all in shock. May hatred, violence, and war vanish from our world.

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Thank you for sharing this. What a harrowing experience. A day we must never forget.

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Sep 11Liked by Kathleen Schmidt

TY for sharing what so many of us felt that day and all the days after.

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Sep 11Liked by Kathleen Schmidt

Thank you, Kathleen. It is so important to share our 9/11 experiences as with all the mishegoss in the world, the horror of that time has receded in many people’s memories. My 9/11 recollection is here: https://open.substack.com/pub/nlthompson/p/where-were-you-on-911?r=3zn6io&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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You catch that moment very well. Thanks for that piece today. My 3 1/2 yr old son and I were on our way to City & Country school. On 7th Ave. he stopped, he saw the 2nd plane hit the tower. The teacher had them dtaw or build with blocks what they felt. A few had planes crashing blocks. He drew the pilot going into the tower on one page. On another, the pilot changed his mind. That was his favorite.

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Kathleen, I can't imagine being so close to such a horrible thing. I watched it on TV, of course, not living there. The broadcast still sits with me like a sour pill stuck in your throat. I love what you did for the office workers. That was kind and caring. Thanks for that bit of goodness.

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<3 what a beautiful ode to new york and the lives lost. thank you for sharing xxxxxxxxx

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Thank you! xo

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Thank you for sharing this. We must remember ❤️

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So much to remember, too much to carry, but never enough to learn and feel compassion about!

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This day hit me hard too. ❤️

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Such a tragic day. Thank you for sharing your memories. I was in Manhattan that day as well - our publicity firm's office was at the base of the 59th Street Bridge and I saw people literally climbing on cars and trucks as they tried to get out of the City.

I took my team and we walked to my apartment - when we got to 5th avenue, we looked down and could see the smoke. I couldn't get in touch with my wife, and was thankful to find her, and our 11 month old baby safe at home. We went up to our roof and saw WT7 collapse. It was a horrible day.

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This was a gripping entry. Thanks so much for sharing your memories of this day. I am so glad that you and your family lived to tell about it. Can't believe it has been 23 years. I was in 7th grade when it happened.

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So powerfully said. Thank you for bringing us there with you.

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I was trapped in a building downtown, and the temp agency I worked for lost 100 temps who were actors and artists working for banks on Wall Street, as I was. I had to walk through the debris in the air to get home, which I'll never forget. I did write about it, which helped, but I forget each year that the memories of that time will be triggered on this day. It was quite a time for all of us. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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Beautifully said, and heat-breaking all over again

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