Thank you for the gentle reminder ( ok, more like a punch in the arm). I also find working on my website is a good way to shakes the imposter syndrome blues.

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Jul 24Liked by Kathleen Schmidt

Always insightful and super duper useful, thanks Kathleen. It's one of those posts feel like I need to get tattooed on me going into my debut year!

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Crying a little on the inside (just kidding… maybe) but thank you for these reminders, they’ve strengthened my resolve

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Thank you for this! It made me feel reassured about building a website/starting a newsletter while working on my novel. I've found that it takes time to build up a platform--it does not happen overnight.

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Jul 26Liked by Kathleen Schmidt

Helpful perspective - especially in making time for social media in small bites. Thanks!

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Jul 26Liked by Kathleen Schmidt

This was really helpful. Thank you!

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Jul 25Liked by Kathleen Schmidt

Excellent work. It's vital we alert authors to the necessity of a platform for most books. It's essential writers grasp that they cannot just write and expect an effective publicity and marketing campaign to be magically created around them and their book. When it still occasionally happens, it's for outlier reasons to do with the book's subject drawing attention to itself or the publisher's advance being so huge, the publisher will do anything to secure attention for that title (even then their desperate efforts often fail to move the sales numbers). As you say too, the author must engage with others via their platform. These socials are not a broadcast medium. They're for interaction.

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Jul 25Liked by Kathleen Schmidt

This was extremely helpful! I know I need to up my platform game.

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Jul 25Liked by Kathleen Schmidt

I really enjoyed this post! Thanks for sharing and reminding us just how valuable it is to actually engage with people, especially as an introvert!

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I know this all too well. I’m a total introvert.

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Jul 24Liked by Kathleen Schmidt


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Great insight! Thank you so much. This is extremely helpful.😁😁

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Jul 24Liked by Kathleen Schmidt

I agree! “Guardrails” are especially important. Always appreciate your authentic takes.

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This is so helpful, Kathleen. I appreciate all the work you do to demystify publicity. Can you explain how libraries function as a platform? If it’s not too much trouble! I was surprised to see it on the list. Nobody talks much about that..

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Sure. I am talking about giving talks at local libraries, connecting with your library, etc. It is still a platform—not an obvious one, but it is!

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Thank you for this, Kathleen. I can see a place now, in my mind and in my schedule, to put more into this platform/brand thing! You lay it out very clearly. I appreciate your generosity.

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So much truth in this post. It's the new reality and we have to deal with it.

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Ah such a good reminder to nurture my platforms (Substack, Insta, FB, LinkedIn for me). I've been finding it easy to make the excuse of "but then I won't have time to write my book!" but I know that's just fear getting in my way. I think the biggest struggle for me has been expectation - expecting others to comment, like, or engage back with me in some way which is simply out of my control and I realize is ego-driven. I can only focus on serving and being authentic and allow whatever flows from that to just flow. Working on it - thanks for this much needed nudge!

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Let go of the expectations and just be yourself. If a post gets no engagement, you can always delete it. I do it all the time.

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